Montag, 8. Juli 2024

Introduction and Index

The unofficial Planet Core Productions guidebook
all releases on all PCP sub-labels listed, rated, and short-reviewed

Here it is.
The unofficial Planet Core Productions guidebook.
After it was "almost forgotten" towards the end of the 90s, the interest in this very special label of Techno history is growing at a fast pace again.
This guidebook is mostly aimed at "newcomers" to the PCP-sound; to give them a little overview, information and direction; in order to possibly help them in their decision on which record to pursue & purchase.
And, the guidebook exists, so that this piece of techno history does not get forgotten (hopefully).
Because: "You and me... we are simply passing through history. But this... this *is* history."

Note: i tried to retain some of the typical '90s hardcore techno magazine' tone and spirit in some reviews, with its cold-served wit and attitude.

"Underrated but great" records usually get longer reviews.

This is a beta version and some releases are not listed yet.

But now, dear visitor, enjoy your reading experience.

And remember, in the end - "we're all slaves to the rave'.

About the rating system:
For the purpose of rating, I decided on a percentage format. (aka "x out of a hundred points").
But these ratings are "PCP-stretched": I love all these records and, normally, would all give them a 111 out of 100.

So the rating means "compared to other PCP releases".
Thus, if a record has "only" 49 or 31 percent here, this does not mean it's bad; compared with other Hardcore or Techno EPs they would be 88 or 94 or higher; the percentage just "seems lower" for the sake of rating these PCP records in a way that seems sensible, and to have a bit of comparison with the other releases.
So please do not misunderstood the ratings - all records are even better then they seem.

And in the end it's very subjective anyway.

About the author:

I'm Sönke aka Low Entropy.
I was a teenage PCP addict. and by that i mean the music, not the drug (thank god!).
I bought my first PCP CD at the tender age of fifteen, and a lifelong love for everything related to the label followed.
Seeing Marc, Miro, Dr Macabre, and all the other rascals perform live and to feel their bassdrums blasting through the dancefloor were some of the happiest moments in my life.
I spent the next decades trying to find ways to listen to *every* PCP release; and in the end I decided to write a little review for each of them.
So here it is.

I'm also an author of other Hardcore Techno related books such as:

The Hardcore Condition - Experimental Hardcore of the 90s
A Hardcore Retrospective - Hardcore Techno In The 90s
The Hardcore Primer - An Extensive Guide To 90s Underground Hardcore Techno Labels And Artists
PCP - Legends In Their Life - The Unofficial PCP Book

Check them here

or if you want to read more about me, head over to:

Note: This guidebook is not officially affiliated with any existing or former members of Planet Core Productions

Version 0.9

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