Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024

Pretty Asshole

PCI 606 - Nasty Django - Fuck Beats

early "nasty django" style. the a1 track could have easily been released as a 'the mover' composition.
the final track is just noise (literally!)

88 / 100

PCI 607 - Voyage Sur Vinyl - Voyage à Travers La Musique De X-TC

i assume this is a project out of belgium?
a "rave-techno" releases that still has very visible traces of the New Beat style.
this will get your heart pumping!

77 / 100

PCI 666 - Friends Of Django - Fuckin' Revenge !

apparently re-edits / re-imaginations of "Friends Of Alex - What Is..? Fick Dich".
and, for 1992, this was verily one of the hardest and most merciless releases.
over-the-top distorted gabber beats, broken rhythms, bleeps, sirens, noises...
an EP for the gabber strong heads

79 / 100

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