Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024

Future World

Future World

World 1 - The Overlord - Digital Orgasm

The first release of the Future World label, which features exclusively output by Miro.
Master of the universe is one of the most extraordinary tracks I ever heard; it is outside of any genre, elements of techno, hardcore, doomcore, but more like a hymn for the intronization of a new intergalactic emperor.
The flipside is an orgasmic workout for outer space dancefloors.

92 / 100

World 2 - The Overlord – Move My Bod-E

"move my bod-e" is a secret favorite for many fans, but I actually prefer "future of the world".
an over 9 minute long tour de force, that makes me feel as i'm forced to march through a desert on an alien world; while "miro-esque" cascades of sounds invade the track now and then, and cause you to speed up.

81 / 100

World 3 - The Overlord – Kill

the tracks from world 1 and 2 got a lot of praise, yet I feel this third, final release of the label remains a little bit under-rated.
it has two absolutely fantastic tracks: "countdown 2017" is one of the most infernal techno tracks in history; while avoiding most of the usual "hardcore" elements, it drowns everything in a cascade of drums and distorted synths.
"kill" is a doomcore track, but a very reserved, serene one; yet it creates a wonderful atmosphere filled with powerful emotions.

95 / 100

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